防災ハンドブック - Disaster Prevent Hand Book(English)
ページ番号1021932 更新日 2022年11月17日
- P3 The Mechanism by which Earthquakes Occur (PDF 832.8KB)
- P4~5 There are no safe places in Japan that do not experience earthquakes (PDF 1.3MB)
- P6~10 What do you do in an earthquake? (PDF 1.9MB)
- P11 What do you do in a tsunami? (PDF 593.7KB)
- P12~13 Let's prepare for earthquakes (PDF 977.4KB)
Storm and Flood Damage/Landslides
- P16 Let's prepare for storm and flood damage (PDF 583.8KB)
- P17 Protect yourself from landslides (PDF 561.1KB)
Urban Disasters
Everyday Preparations
- P20~21 Have set contact methods and assembly points for your family (PDF 822.4KB)
- P22 Emergency items that should be prepared in order to take with you (PDF 750.1KB)
- P23 Measures by the city to prepare for disaster and its support system (PDF 476.6KB)
- P24~25 Acquire knowledge on evacuation (PDF 1.1MB)
- P26~P27 Learn to master resuscitation/Learn to master the use of an AED (PDF 1.1MB)
Regional Disaster Prevention
- P28 Self-defense - We are the protector of our city (PDF 707.8KB)
- P29 Assistance to the disaster weak (PDF 631.9KB)
- P30 Creating a city that is kind to people requiring assistance during a disaster (PDF 957.9KB)
Disaster Prevention Map
- P31 Disaster prevention map (PDF 567.7KB)
- P32~33 Disaster Prevention Map (1)/South of JR (PDF 920.3KB)
- P34~35 Disaster Privention Map (2)/Katayama,Kishibe (PDF 789.7KB)
- P36~37 Disaster Privention Map (3)/Toyotsu,Esaka,Minami-Suita (PDF 730.2KB)
- P38~39 Disaster Privention Map (4)/Senriyama,Saidera (PDF 828.5KB)
- P40~41 Disaster Privention Map (5)/Yamada,Senrioka (PDF 817.5KB)
- P42~43 Disaster Privention Map (6)/Senri New Town,Banpaku and Osaka University (PDF 989.5KB)
- Emergency note (PDF 616.2KB)
Disaster Prevention Card
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総務部 危機管理室
〒564-8550 大阪府吹田市泉町1丁目3番40号 (高層棟3階 301番窓口)
電話番号:06-6384-1753 ファクス番号:06-6369-6080